Neural networks

There is a practical sheet to support this topic.

The cells that make up the brain and the nerves are called neurons. A system made up of neurons connected together is called a neural network. Engineers and scientists have analysed neural networks and made models of them to understand the brain and to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI).

To create systems that can solve complex problems by learning from examples we use Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

Exercise 1

Artificial neural networks are often used for classification problems. Try out this neural network for recognising leaves.


Exercise 2

Inspired by neurons and their connections in the brain, neural network is a representation used in machine learning. After running the back-propagation learning algorithm on a given set of examples, the neural network can be used to predict outcomes for any set of input values.


Further exercises

When you have completed these two exercises try speaking to chatterbot (a program that can have a conversation with you).
Simon Laven has collected together links to many chatterbots.
Eliza was one of the first chatterbots written in 1966, Eliza behaves as a therapist.
Jabberwock is an excellent chatterbot with a sense of humour.