Finding out about spacecraft

Useful World Wide Web sites

NASA provides an excellent set of java applets to show the position called J-Track. The 3-D view is particularly goodclick here to use J-Track 3D

Small satellites

Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL).  []. SSTL is a commercial designer and builder of both civil and military micro- and mini satellites.

Small Satellite Homepage []

Oscar 11 Satellite (UoSAT 2) []

Amateur satellites
Amateur radio enthusiasts use radio receiving and transmitting equipment to communicate with satellites. Many countries have amateur satellite organisations.

AMSAT-UK for the United Kingdom []
AMSAT-NA for North American []
AMSAT-ZL for New Zealand []

The Remote Imaging Group (RIG) caters for people interesting in receiving images from satellites. []

Weather Satellites

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA operates many satellites for viewing the atmosphere and ocean in order to predict the weather from their Satellite Operation Control Centre. []
In particular, there are details of some of NOAA's satellites here []

The status of the polar orbiting satellites is useful when using the satellite receiver in the college []

The Dundee Satellite Receiving Station [] has images from some of these satellites.

Other UK space projects

Education Guide to Space [](Leicester University)

CCLRC Space Science Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
CCLRC is the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.

European Space Agency (ESA)
ESA [http:///] is the organisation responsible for European space projects, many of which have UK contributions.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA is the organisation responsible for USA space projects and is also involved with the International Space Station (ISS).
NASA Homepage []

Welcome to NASA's education programme []

Basics of space flight []

NASA Spacelink []

International Space Station []